February 15 – National Retreat

October 30, 2024
Dear Fellow Ministers,
Good afternoon to you…I hope things are going well for you and your fraternity members.
I wanted to take this opportunity to share a number of informational items with you:
That is all I have to share at this time. If you have any questions or need for clarification regarding the above items please let me know. Keeping the lines of communication open is important, so I ask that you confirm receipt of this email. Thank you!
Fraternal regards,
Gerry Gabriel
Minister, Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada (RFEC)
July 16, 2024
Dear Fellow Ministers,
Good afternoon to you all…
I acknowledge that summer is a great time to rest, recreate and enjoy visiting with family and friends. It can also be a time for quiet reflection and this is what I would like to invite you and your members to do: reflect about what a gift our vocation to OFS has been .
In preparation for the next issue of the Regional Update I would ask that you and your members consider sharing your thoughts/feelings regarding the following two questions by emailing me at gerry.rfec@gmail.com.
The intent is to include a selection of the responses in the Update…so we thank you and your members for their contributions! You may recall that our Lenten issue of the Update had two articles on Francis receiving the stigmata. This was in keeping with the Centenary celebration recommendations. In this next issue of the Update we want to devote some attention to St. Clare. If your fraternity has any special celebrations of St. Clare (her feast day is August 11th), you are invited to highlight those as well, We ask for all your responses no later than August 15, 2024.
I would like to suggest that reflecting on the above two questions might serve an additional purpose. Our Regional Fall Workshop is focusing, in part, on our Vision and Mission as Secular Franciscans. It may be that our individual and collective responses to these questions will also provide helpful input to determining how we see our Vision and Mission as members of the OFS.
Once again, thank you for your interest and sharing!
Best regards,
Minister, Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada (RFEC)
April 22, 2024
Dear Fellow Ministers,
Good day…once again I write to you to stay in touch. It is my hope that your Easter celebration was full of blessings and that the season of Eastertide is prayerful for you and your fraternal brothers and sisters.
I wish to share the following with you:
Leadership Development Workshop to focus on?
the Leadership Development Workshop to address?
That is all that I have to share at this time. I ask that you forward your response to the above two questions to my attention in the next two weeks…thank you! If there are any other issues or questions that you wish to raise with me do not hesitate to get in touch.
All the very best to you and your fraternal brothers and sisters. May God give you peace and joy!
Warm regards,
Gerry Gabriel
Minister, Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada (RFEC)