Franciscan Focus

So You Want to Be a Franciscan?

If this thought or inclination comes to you, you can thank the Holy Spirit…for such a motivation is indeed a spiritual awakening! Being a Secular Franciscan is a calling…a gift from God.  Simply stated, it entails an invitation to live your life in a more Christ-oriented way.  To accept this invite is not without its challenges; but there is the promise of many blessings along the way. You discover how to be a Franciscan by journeying with others in fraternity.  There is a process of spiritual formation, with various distinct steps.  Overall, this Initial Formation (consisting of Orientation, Inquiry, and Candidacy) usually takes about two years.  At each step you are asked whether you wish to continue in your Franciscan formation.  If you do choose to continue, the final step is profession, a decision to enter the Secular Franciscan Order.  Profession is a promise to live a Franciscan spirituality according to an established Rule 0f Life.  Such a promise is a life-long commitment to a journey to “follow Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis”. The first step along the journey to becoming a Franciscan is to get in touch with a local Secular Franciscan fraternity.  By sharing that you are interested in learning more about a Franciscan way of life, you will be invited to attend several monthly fraternity meetings.  This might be called the “Come and See” phase.  If you like what you see and experience at these meetings, you may wish to become more involved, and participate in the early steps of formation.  The decision to do so, may be one of the best decisions you ever make! However, just a gentle reminder: becoming a Franciscan is not for everyone.  As noted above, it is a calling or vocation.  In the process of formation, one is encouraged to discern whether one feels called to this way of life.  Ultimately, it is a deep personal choice…one that you reach with the help of others who have travelled this road before you and who travel with you.  May God bless you on your journey and as St. Francis would often say to people he encountered “Peace be with you!”

Exploring the Secular Franciscan Order

If you are interested in exploring the Secular Franciscan Order further, here are some of the next steps you could take:


  1. If you live in the Eastern Region of Canada (including Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Eastern Ontario (Archdiocese of Ottawa and Diocese of Pembroke), check the Who We Are page on this website to see what fraternities are near you. (FYI, the location of local fraternities in Ontario’s Trillium Region, and in the Western Region of Our Lady of the Angels, is also provided below)
  2. Contact the Regional Fraternity (email below) to request contact information for the fraternity in your area.
  3. Visit the local Fraternity at a number of the monthly meetings, to learn more about the Secular Franciscan Order, and to determine if you are interested in continuing your Franciscan journey.

Contact us at:


What is the Secular Franciscan Order?

The Secular Franciscan Order is an association of men and women—married and single—who live and work in the world while following a way of life that is faithful to the original Rule of life written by St. Francis of Assisi. The Order is a group of people who desire to live a more Franciscan way of life.

Who was St Francis of Assisi?

St. Francis of Assisi (1191-1226) was an ordinary young man, dreaming of fun, fame and a life of worldly success. Being the son of a wealthy merchant, Francis had the means to achieve these. However, Francis began to feel a great emptiness in his life, and in the activities he was pursuing. With time, he realized that God was calling him to another way of living, and he responded to that call, gradually discovering a life of peace, joy, and service in Christ.

Witnessing Francis’ true joy in living and being of service to others, a number of his friends and countrymen came to join him. The Pope accepted their Rule of life, and the First Order of Franciscans began. Women also came and wanted to live the type of life Francis and his brothers were living, and with the inspiration of St. Clare of Assisi, the Second Order of Franciscans was developed. When lay people told Francis that they, too, wanted to live his lifestyle but remain in the world, Francis adapted the Rule to fit their way of life. After receiving Papal approval, the Third Order of Franciscans was established. Today, we are called the Secular Franciscan Order (the OFS), because we remain living and working in the everyday world, bringing Franciscan spirituality into our personal, family, work, parish, and community lives.

Who can join the Secular Franciscan Order?

Admission to the Order is open to men and women, married or single, who are not already members of another religious or secular Order, and who are 18 years of age or older. Candidates must be practicing Catholics of good moral character, peace loving, and faithful to the teachings of the Church. Secular Franciscans do not take vows; instead, they make a pledge (or solemn promise) to observe for life the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order. This Rule has been adapted to today’s circumstances and is designed to offer practical help in leading a spiritually rich and fulfilling Christian life.

Over the past 800 plus years, men and women have followed in the footsteps of St. Francis as members of the Secular Franciscan Order. More than 125 Secular Franciscans have since been beatified or canonized including the Order’s patron and patroness, Saints Louis of France and Elizabeth of Hungary. Other well-known members include Dante, Michelangelo, John Vianney, Louis Pasteur, Matt Talbot, Thomas Merton, and Pope John XXIII.

What is a Secular Franciscan fraternity?

The Secular Franciscan Order is a place to learn to live the Gospel in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. These “learning places” are called fraternities and are normally established and connected with a particular parish. A fraternity is a witness to a more fraternal way of living, treating each other as brothers and sisters. Within the context of fraternity, members support each other, encourage each other, and learn from each other. A fraternity is like a small faith community where members are renewed in their Franciscan spirituality, so they can go out and live it in their circles of family, friends and community.

How can I join the Secular Franciscan Order?

People interested in exploring becoming a Secular Franciscan experience several stages of formation in the context of a local fraternity. They would first contact a fraternity, and come as a guest to several meetings. If they are interested in continuing to learn more about Franciscanism and the Order, there is a short period of Orientation, during which candidates are provided with information regarding the Secular Franciscan Order, and given an opportunity to have their questions answered. Subsequently, there is a longer period called Inquiry during which candidates are introduced to Franciscan spirituality in more depth. Finally, there is a time of study during which the candidates are provided with an opportunity to grow in the Christian life as well as to be formed in Franciscan spirituality. This time of candidacy lasts approximately 18 months, after which candidates may request profession as Secular Franciscans. When making profession, candidates promise to live the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Secular Franciscan Order by observing its rule of life with the support of the members of the fraternity. In fraternity, the members experience ongoing formation, which allows members to continue to grow in their Franciscan spirituality throughout their lives.

What do Secular Franciscans do?

Secular Franciscans aspire to live the Gospel life by following in the footsteps of St. Francis (and St. Clare). In doing so, Secular Franciscans try to be faithful to certain spiritual virtues such as: humility, poverty, peace-making, care of creation, and contemplative prayer. In a spirit of social justice, Secular Franciscans advocate for those on the margins of society and work to address the needs of the poor.

What is Franciscan spirituality all about?

Franciscan spirituality is one of the many spiritualities within the Catholic Church. Franciscan spirituality is a way of life founded by St. Francis and St. Clare more than 800 years ago. There are a number of central tenets of Franciscan spirituality that we can identify:

  • Franciscan spirituality is rooted in the Incarnation of Christ the Son of God, and Christ’s love, compassion and mercy for humanity.
  • Franciscan spirituality advocates the virtues of humility and poverty, acknowledging our own weaknesses and shortcomings, and our need to rely on God to fulfil our spiritual journey.
  • In the imitation of Christ, Franciscan spirituality calls adherents to be peace-makers, building a more fraternal and peace-filled world.
  • At the centre of Franciscan spirituality is the vocation to care for creation. St. Francis is the patron of ecology and composed the Canticle of the Creatures, espousing the glory and beauty of God’s creation.
  • Francis believed that our spiritual journey would not be solitary. He advocated that brothers and sisters support and encourage each other in a spirit of community (fraternity). In this way, they would have “companions on the journey”.
  • Franciscan spirituality, in keeping with the personal practice of St. Francis and St. Clare, invite us to embrace contemplative prayer, a form of deep listening prayer open to the voice of God.
  • Franciscan spirituality calls us to a love of the Holy Eucharist, recognizing this sacrament as a profound gift of Christ to His followers, as essential food for our life’s journey.
  • Finally, Franciscan spirituality entails a rich devotion to Mary the Mother of Jesus. St. Francis identified Mary as Protectress and Advocate for the Franciscan family.