Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada
Secular Franciscan Order
Upcoming Events:Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Corporation
of the Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada July 10th 2021
Dear members of the Corporation, I am writing to confirm that the Annual General Meeting of the Civil Corporation of the Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada will take place on July 10th. As per our Bylaws, members of this corporation include the all Professed members of the Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada. This annual meeting is a requirement of the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act under which our regional fraternity is incorporated as an organization.In order for you to participate in this video conference, you are required to inform me of your intention by emailing me at or calling me at 613-291-2850. We will then notify you of the Zoom link to use on July 10th. The meeting of the corporation will be a virtual one using Zoom Video Conferencing, and will be no longer than one hour. It will be held on July 10th 2021 at
9:00 AM Eastern Time 10:00 AM Atlantic Time. Contact your Regional Minister for more information.
May the Lord bless you and protect you during this time of the pandemic. Michel David, ofs, Minister
Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada Film – Pope Francis – A Man of His Word
Available on Netflix – Recommended.
Father Frederick’s biographer, Father Romain Légaré, O.F.M. tells this amusing story: “One day, between these two holy souls, there was a struggle of humility worthy of a painter of Fioretti. Father Frederick arrives at St. Joseph’s Oratory. “I come to ask Brother André how he manages to be so holy.
The rector takes him to the small chapel and climbs the stairs that lead to the attic where the brother lives. He comes down and the visitor, as he approaches, throws himself on his knees and exclaims, “Bless me, Brother André – Oh, no, it is up to you to bless me, since you are a priest. And there they are both on their knees, one in front of the other, in a noble assault of humility. What a charming version of the meeting of St Dominic and St Francis of Assisi! At the end, the two religious, still kneeling, give each other the embrace of peace.” A regular visitor at the Oratory, Father Frederic climbed the Mount Royal at least eleven times between 1911 and 1916, accompanied by his pilgrims from Trois-Rivières, lay persons or Franciscan novices. Brother André was one of the last visitors Father Frederic received in August 1916, a few days before his death. The latter had gone to give him a medal of St. Joseph in order to heal him. Father Frederick then had answered him to let the Good Lord to do what he wants. A beautiful painting by Peter Franz presented here reminds us of the deep friendship between these two great apostles of Saint Joseph in Canada: Holy Brother André and Good Father Frederick. In this month of St. Joseph and in this year 2021 dedicated to St. Joseph by Pope Francis, may the prayer composed by the Pope for this occasion rise to heaven: Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen. — Georges Morin, o.f.m.